Each Data Center contains a number of Worlds, which in turn contain a group of servers named after iconic monsters from across the Final Fantasy franchise. Today, the boom reached the point where the North American servers were no longer able to handle any new characters being created, and as a result the digital edition of FFXIV was marked as ‘Sold Out’ on the official Square Enix storefront.įFXIV’s servers occupy three separate Data Centers – one for Japan, one for North America and one for Europe.
Recently, a few different factors have come together to form the perfect storm, sending FFXIV’s playerbase absolutely skyrocketing – we’re now in the build-up to the climax of the game’s story so far with the upcoming Endwalker expansion, and WoW has left a lot of players dissatisfied after its latest patch leading to an exodus to Eorzea’s shores. For a few years now, Final Fantasy XIV has been well on its way to toppling World Of Warcraft’s decades-long spot at the top of the MMORPG ladder.